Steal This Website

This website is a series of examples of web technologies all done as a single page with detailed comments, so you can Steal This Website.

How to Use

Due to the stripped down nature of this website, it is not intended for complete beginners. If you want a gentle introduction to HTML (and thus the skill set you need to effectively Steal This Website), check out HTML for People.

To use, open the dev tools in your browser (Firefox instructions) and examine the source files. Each feature will be well detailed with html comments.

You can usually view the source of a page by using the context menu (the menu that pops up when you right-click with a mouse) and using the "View source" option or similar.

They look like this:

<!-- This is a comment -->

Why is this page so plain?

This page is intentionally without styles. You should learn what your browser defaults are. They're usually pretty good! (They may not support dark mode by default, though.)

License and Use

All content on this website is licensed CC0 unless otherwise stated on the page in question. It is intended that you may take such content from this website to adapt for your own work without permission or royalty.

Indie Web

Want to share this website with others? Use the following markup on your page! Make sure to update the image source to point at a copy of the badge on your own website.

<a href=""><img src="steal-this-website.png" width="31" height="88"></a>

To use:

  1. Right click and download the Steal This Website badge image.
  2. Add the image to your website.
  3. Copy the html snippet above.
  4. Paste the snippet into one of your web pages.
  5. Edit the src attribute of the img tag to point at the copy of the badge you added previously.